Rooks super boost, urządzenie rozruchowe z kompresorem, 12v-1000a / 2000a - 10 bar - 55,5 wh



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An excellent booster that helps start cars with a discharged battery. The ROOKS booster has a huge starting current, which reaches up to 2000 A at peak and 1000 A in standard operation mode.

The ROOKS booster is an innovative device necessary for starting passenger cars and delivery vans with diesel and gasoline engines with very large capacities (6000 and 8000 cm3). Additionally, the ROOKS booster has a built-in compressor that generates a pressure of up to 10 BAR. This makes it perfect for starting and checking tire pressure in cars that have not been used for a long time.

You no longer have to worry about the car standing in the garage, on the sales yard or in the parking lot, because the ROOKS booster will enable it to be started and inflate the wheels to the appropriate pressure.

Additionally, the SUPER BOOST device has as many as 5 functions: engine starting, tire inflation, service lamp, POWER BANK and a voltmeter for testing battery voltage.

ROOKS SUPER BOOST has a special function of starting cars with a deeply discharged battery - even from 1V!. This innovative function requires highly developed energy management systems and an excellent lithium-polymer battery with a capacity of 55.5 Wh.

The LED lamp operates in 3 modes: continuous light 300 lum, SOS light signal and stroboscopic light. Thanks to this, even at night there is no problem with the correct connection of the jumper cables and the pumping cable.

The booster works with all 12V batteries, the POWER BANK provides a standard current of 3 A, and the maximum compressor pressure is up to 10 BAR.

The set includes very thick and long cables: 80 cm with perfectly protected clamps, a USB-C charging cable and an inflation cable with a standard car connector. The booster has built-in protection systems against reverse polarity, overvoltage, overload and high temperature. The compressor allows you to inflate pontoons, SUPs, kayaks, etc. However, it is necessary to purchase an appropriate adapter to inflate them.

The booster is charged from external chargers with a power of up to 60W, standard: 5V-3A; 9V-3A; 12V-3A; 15V-3A; 20V-3A.

Chargers are not included with the device.

Produkt jest przeznaczony do używania w zakresach parametrów przewidzianych przez producenta i powinien być używany wyłącznie przez wykwalifikowany personel, przeszkolony do obsługi niniejszego produktu. Przed każdym użyciem należy sprawdzić produkt w zakresie uszkodzeń czy mocowania jego części i nie używać go jeżeli zostanie stwierdzona obecność jakichkolwiek wad, bądź luźnych części. Nieprzestrzeganie instrukcji może być przyczyną potencjalnych obrażeń czy uszkodzeń urządzenia. Stosować odpowiednią odzież ochronną jeśli to konieczne przy pracy z danym produktem.

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