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  • Govoni manufacturer of specialist tools

    Govoni - manufacturer of specialist tools for the automotive industry. In the 1970s, the car became the basic tool for the broadly understood transport of people and goods. The vans segment has grown to serve the growing market for services and...

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  • How to remove a seized injector - VIBRO SYSTEM

    How to remove a seized injector? Sometimes even - how to tear out a seized injection ?! Such questions are more and more often asked by mechanics repairing diesel cars. This is not easy. That is the simplest answer. Are you sure? In a nutshell,...

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Choose and make a good investment with ROOKS GARAGE toolsROOKS GARAGE

ROOKS is our main brand of automotive engine, driveline, chassis, electric and electronics repair tools. ROOKS tools are made of durable and high-grade steel, which makes them a good investment for many years. GOVONI is tools for glow plugs, injectors and chassis made in Italy. Tools for multi-station repairs and general mechanical tools are available from the English brand LASER and Taiwanese SELTA.

The catalog begins with pneumatic tools, engine and chassis tools, then we present service equipment as well as tools for hybrid cars and sheet metal repairs. Next, you will find the perfect solutions for furniture and workshop cabinets that will add a touch to the image of your website. We finish the catalog with general tools that are the most popular on your website.

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Zapraszamy do lektury cyklu artykułów, które ukazały się na łamach magazynu The TOOLS. Zobaczcie niesamowity świat narzędzi opisywany przez znawców i użytkowników...
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Jedno z najciekawszych wydarzeń targowych w świecie motoryzacji w Polsce rusza już 15-go listopada 2024. Serdecznie zapraszamy Was do odwiedzenia nas na stoisku ROOKS OFF ROAD TEAM & THE TOOLS...
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Targi Automechanika 2024 we Frankfurcie, były niezwykle ważnym wydarzeniem dla branży motoryzacyjnej. Pięć intensywnych dni, 4200 wystawców z 80 krajów, 320 000 m² powierzchni...
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